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AP Precalculus 2024 İstatistikleri Açıklandı

AP Precalculus 2024 Score Statistics

Bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen AP Precalculus sınavına 152,000 öğrenci katıldı.

45 öğrencinin tüm soruları doğru yaparak 64 tam puan almayı başardığı sınavda, geçer not alamayanların oranı %25, 5 tam puan alanların oranı yine %25 oldu.

AP Precalculus MC section: Students scored especially well on questions that required them to use Skill 3C (Supporting conclusions with a logical rationale or appropriate data); 25% of students earned every such point possible. AP Precalculus MC section: Students found questions that required Skill 3A (Describe the characteristics of a function) most challenging – the average on these questions was 46% correct. AP Precalculus FR section: Q1 & Q3 are the questions that best distinguish scores of 3+ from scores of 1-2; students getting 1s and 2s are generally unable to earn half the available points on these. AP Precalculus FR section: Q2 & Q4 were focused on the more advanced precalculus students, distinguishing among 3s, 4s, and 5s; 1s and 2s generally were unable to meet this level of difficulty.


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