Öğrencilerin %25'inin geçer not alamadığı sınavda, 5 tam puan öğrencilerin oranı %17 oldu.
129.000 kişinin girdiği sınavda 14 öğrenci tüm soruları doğru yanıtlayarak 100 tam puan almayı başardılar.
AP Chemistry MC section: students performed best on questions about atomic structure & properties (Unit 1); intermolecular forces & properties (Unit 3); and kinetics (Unit 5). ~40% of students earned most or all of these points. AP Chemistry MC section: students performed least well on questions about thermodynamics and equilibrium (Unit 6, 7, 9: 20% of students earned most or all of these points). AP Chemistry FR section: many students scored very well on Q4 (specific heat capacity); 26% earned every point possible there; many also did well on Q2 ( the maleic acid / sodium bicarbonate reaction): 33% earned high scores on it. AP Chemistry FR section: the two most challenging questions were Q1 (lactic acid titration) and Q3 (sterling silver structure); students able to get 8-10 points on both are typically receiving an overall AP score of 5.