Katılan 251.000 öğrenciden 22'sinin tüm soruları doğru yaparak 108 tam puan almayı başardığı sınavda, geçer not alamayanların oranı %36, 5 tam puan alanların oranı %21 oldu.
This was a score verification year for AP Calculus AB, in which data scientists confirm AP student performance in college math sequences in comparison to college calculus students. The score distribution reflects these strong findings for AP Calc AB teachers & students. AP Calculus AB MC questions: students scored higher on Unit 8 (Applications of Integration) and Unit 3 (Differentiation: Composite, Implicit & Inverse Functions). ~21% of students earned all points possible on Unit 8 MCQs. AP Calculus AB FR questions: Q1 is the best preview of what a students’ AP score will be, as it measured across the full range of college A-F work; AP 5s are typically able to earn 8-9 of these pts; AP 3s are typically able to earn 5+ points here. AP Calculus AB FR question: Q5 is the most difficult/advanced question this year, aimed at the strongest Calc AB students; AP 5s can generally earn 7+ of these points.