Bu yıl ilk kez düzenlenen sınavda öğrencilerin %27'si geçer not alamadı. 5 tam puan öğrencilerin oranı %15 oldu.
3 öğrenci proje, 4 FRQ ve tüm MC sorularını doğru yanıtlayarak 100 tam puan almayı başardı.
AP African American Studies MC questions: students demonstrated especially strong knowledge of units 2 (Freedom, Enslavement & Resistance) and 4 (Movements & Debates), with ~20% of students earning most or all of these points. AP African American Studies MC questions: the most challenging unit for students was 3 (from Reconstruction to the Great Migration); ~11% of students earned most or all of these points. AP African American Studies FR questions: Students scored best on Q1 (W.E.B. Du Bois’s Niagara Movement Speech) and Q2 (Mali Empire); AP African American Studies FRQ4 on religious traditions was the most challenging for students; ~46% earned 0 points on it, suggesting a need for greater focus on this important theme within the course.